Home > Wine Country Games > Choose a Sport > Table Tennis
Table Tennis May 31st & June 1st
The Zones
1011 Hahman Drive, Santa Rosa, 94505
On-site parking is limited. Please consider carpooling, or
park in the adjacent shopping center.
Tournament Schedule (times TBD)
Saturday, May 31st
Men's singles & doubles
Sunday, June 1st
Women's singles & doubles
Mixed doubles
Open Singles Division
Registration opens: March 1, 2025
Deadline for registration: May 23, 2025 at 5:00 pm. No on-site registration due to insurance.
Singles for men & women
Doubles for men & women
Mixed doubles
Open division (men vs. women; no age divisions; no medals; FREE!)
Age divisions: 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+
Levels: This tournament is open to competitors of all levels.
Fees: $60 registration fee plus a $7.50/sport fee per category
There will be a cap on the number of individuals & teams that can register for the competitions. That number
will be 60 singles competitors and 20 teams each for the doubles categories.
​Tournament Details & Rules
The tournament format will be round robin
Every playerwill play against all other players in his/her age division in matches of 5 games
Winner in each match is the first player to win three games
Scores for all matches in the division will be used to determine the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers
Draws will be emailed to all athletes 2 or 3 days before the tournament
Play follows US Table Tennis rules except as modified by the National Senior Games Association
Orange 40+ balls, Nittaku 3-star Nextel, will be provided one per player
Players may not wear orange shirts while competing
We reserve the right to change the tournament format for any age division based upon entry numbers, space restrictions or other circumstances
​T-shirt: Included with registration and available at check-in. No size exchanges will be possible on-site.
Will be awarded to the top three competitors in each division within each category
Will not be mailed
Will not be available for pick-up at Council on Aging Office
If you cannot stay to receive your medal, please make arrangements with someone to pick-up for you.
Questions about the Games?
Contact Coby LaFayette
707-525-0143, ext. 117